Let’s talk about the ‘F’ word… Fundraising!

Forget the physical aspects of cycling, fundraising can be a different kind of challenge. You can do it and we’re here to help! 

Want to meet or beat your fundraising goal? We’ve got all the tips on how to request donations, how to spread the word about your efforts and how to make your Revolution Ride special!

  • Fundraising 101: We have curated a fundraising how-to section and we will share more tips, tricks and stories in the coming months.
  • Become a Revolutionary! Commit to raising $1,500+ and earn special perks, including a custom cycling jersey and more!

Your dedication and effort ensure that people living with ALS in Ontario today can benefit from services and support  – and helps make continued investment in research possible.

As an entirely donor-funded charity, ALS Canada relies on people like you to ride forward towards a future without ALS.