By fundraising in the Revolution Ride, you help to ensure that people living with ALS in Ontario today can benefit from services and support  – and helps make continued investment in research possible. That’s a big flex! You can do it and we’re here to help! 

Want to meet or beat your fundraising goal? We’ve got all the tips and tricks on how to ask for donations, how to spread the word about your efforts and how to make the Revolution Ride special!

Here are the 9 steps to your fundraising success:

Make a self-donation: Be the first to donate toward your goal to show your commitment. It’s an easy and visible way to rally friends and family to join you in supporting the cause! Plus, your supporters are likely to match your donation amount.

Set your goal: Set a fundraising goal and share your progress with your network along the way. This motivates potential donors to give generously to help you get there.
Make it personal: You are participating in the Revolution Ride for a personal reason. Explain why you’re getting involved so that potential supporters understand your connection to the cause. If they know why you’re doing it, they’re more likely to donate. Personalize your Public Page and emails to tell your story.

The sooner, the better: Have your top supporters kick off your fundraising by asking them to donate early. Your network will be inspired by your early donors’ generosity and are likely to follow suit with a larger donation.

Cast a wide net: Start small with close family, friends and those who’ve asked you for charitable donations in the past. Then, reach out to the rest of your network (dentist, hairdresser, accountant, etc.). 

Get social: Share on your social media platforms that you are taking on this incredible challenge as you gear up for change, participating in the Revolution Ride. Tag your contributing donors on social media with heartfelt messages and let the Facebook ripple effect do the rest! People are more likely to give when they know they are making a difference and inspiring others. 
Don’t forget to tag us on your posts @ALSCanada using our event hashtag #Revolution Ride

Follow-up: Life is busy, and people need reminders. Send a friendly reminder to those in your network who have yet to donate and remind them why their support matters to you.

Join or create a team: Forming a team is a great way to stay motivated and share fundraising resources, plus it makes for a great time on event day!

Say thank you: Send personalized and heartfelt thank-you notes to your donors and let them know how their donation has made a difference in the ALS community. After the event itself, share pictures with your donors.  

Learn more about how you’re making a difference, one kilometer and one dollar at a time: Your Dollars at Work.