Gear up for change!

Our partnerships are critical in supporting this event as we rely on cash contributions to help offset costs, in-kind donations of products, as well as services and expertise to ensure a safe, smooth, fun event.

Partnering with ALS Canada is an opportunity to align your brand with a meaningful cause and offer hope for the future. The support of generous partners accelerates progress in ALS research, while helping the 1,000+ people and families living with ALS in Ontario who benefit from our services.

There are many ways to contribute, with varying investment and recognition.

Become a partner via
financial contribution
Corporate match


Donate products,
service or expertise

Register a corporate team
When you become a Revolution Ride partner, your reach will extend to a connected group of employed professionals (30-55 years) with a high household income. They will connect the dots between your brand and a cause they care deeply about. Reaching both men and women, this event will primarily cater to recreational but aspirational cyclists, with hardcore cyclists as a secondary demographic.

Is your organization looking for ways to get involved with the Revolution Ride? Contact us at today.

You’re in good company. The Revolution Ride event is possible thanks to the generosity of our partners.

Route Sponsor:

Amylyx Amylyx

Team Sponsor:

MTP-CA MTP-CA Function 101

In Kind Sponsor :

Moduloc Roar Organic Printing Mill Velofix
Function 101 Moduloc Roar Organic Printing Mill